The secret
to teacher retention


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Education Specialist, Heather Molloy, of Oxnard Union HSD speaks to her district board of directors on Alludo's impact.



What one teacher has to say about Alludo…


“This entire thing has changed my life. I don’t think I’ve ever had more fun teaching. It has reinvigorated me to the point where I’m a completely different teacher now.”


Heather Molloy
Education Specialist
Oxnard Union High School District

Great educators want to have an impact.

And teachers who have an impact on students stay.


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As school district leadership, we know that you are doing everything in your power to positively affect student outcomes, make progress on school district initiatives, and create a school culture that helps you find and keep great talent.

The first step to a teacher retention strategy that works is setting up a school district-wide system where teachers can have a voice in their professional growth journey. Teachers are fueled by a passion to help students. And teachers are your window into what your students need, to have the best possible student outcomes.

So how do you reduce teacher turnover?

Give great educators opportunities to have impact, and show teachers they matter by giving them choice and voice in their professional learning. Teacher retention will follow.

Download the 2022 Teacher Happiness Report

800+ K-12 teachers told us what would make them happy

Finding and keeping great teachers is hard. That’s why we set out to find out what gives K-12 teachers in the U.S. job satisfaction and how professional learning factors in. Use this report to inform your planning for the current school year and beyond!


We examined 10+ elements of teacher job satisfaction.

Core to satisfaction were:

  • Workload & Compensation
  • Relevant PD &  Professional Growth
  • Innovation & Recognition

The need to address teacher happiness is urgent.

  • One in three teachers is at risk of leaving or changing jobs.
  • One in four teachers doesn’t feel or isn’t sure she matters in her job.

The path to teacher happiness is clear!

  • Alludo teachers were more satisfied.
  • Learner-centered PD improves teacher happiness!

The close link between professional development & teacher retention

Why is Professional Development Important

Why is K-12 Professional Learning Important?

High teacher turnover is not a new issue for school district leaders, but it’s one that’s been exacerbated by the pandemic. If you’re trying to increase your teachers’ job satisfaction, here’s where to start…

Nearly every teacher in the profession – whether a beginning teacher or an experienced teacher – wants to feel like she or he makes a difference in students’ lives.

Start showing your teachers they matter by giving them effective professional growth opportunities. We explain the impact effective professional development can have on teacher effectiveness and teacher retention in our latest blog.

Hear how leadership from these school districts uses Alludo to empower their teachers.

And find out how personalized, on-demand learning
is making an impact on teacher retention.

"We know teachers have a lot on their plate and none of this is mandatory. This is all on teachers’ own time as they feel like they need it."

"Seeing these numbers makes me giggle… sometimes when you don’t mandate things, the results are even better than when you do. That’s the beautiful instruction that’s happening."

"If they need any tech training or PD training... they can get it at their level at their time, at their place, on-demand."

–Rae Dunn, Coordinator of Secondary Education, Val Verde SD

“Alludo has been an absolute joy to have available to our staff.”

“The biggest impact that we have seen... the level of skill our teachers have and the amount of work they’ve put forth... through training with Amy and Sheryl and Alludo has really put us ahead of many districts in the state of Ohio.”

–Andrea Cook, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, Springboro Schools

"This has been the most successful professional development program our district has ever done and honestly could have ever imagined."

–Josh Lewis, Director of Information Education Technology, Jurupa Unified USD

Join these school districts nationwide who are using Alludo today.

And find out how they are seeing 70-90%
professional development engagement rates!

Jurupa Notre Dame Berryessa Moriarty Conejo Valley Springboro Rio Schools Cambrian Riverside

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Bring teachers’ voice in their professional growth journey to life

To do this, school districts need learner-centered professional development that is...


Empower teachers to follow their passions and insight on what would help their students most


Help teachers set and meet professional learning goals


Personalize professional learning pathways to meet teachers’ interests and skill level


Offer bite-sized microlearning on-demand, so teachers can take it when they need it


Give feedback & recognition that motivates learners & speeds impact


Foster innovation by ensuring a professional learning system that offers an infrastructure to innovate


Empower teachers to follow their passions and insight on what would help their students most.

Your educators want the freedom to choose learning that is relevant to them, learning they are passionate about, and teaching that will help them create a learner-centered classroom. Leadership is likely in tune with school district initiatives but might be once removed from what teachers actually need for their teaching in the classroom.

With Alludo, teacher learners will choose activities and courses they are passionate about and courses that will impact their students’ progress – fundamentals to teacher retention.


Help teachers set and meet professional learning goals.

Once you’ve given teachers the ability to follow their professional passion and address what their students need, they’ll need a framework in which to set goals they can work towards. Your educational services leaders can support them along the way.

In Alludo, you can define specific mission pathways or combinations of microlearning activities to help teachers and staff focus on their own personal learning goals and district initiatives or mandates that align with the district.


Personalize professional learning pathways to each teachers’ interests and skill level.

Traditional professional development methods of one size fits all are not only costly and wasteful for districts, but they don’t work at all for the learners. Effective teachers need learning that is not only relevant, but also has a depth of material that matches their skill level.

Alludo helps you easily tailor professional development to meet learners where they are and serve it up in multiple modalities... text, video, links to documentation.


Offer bite-sized microlearning on-demand so they can take it when they need it.

Teachers want learning that fuels their classroom instruction time with students. Professional development time is limited. Your teacher and student learners need an efficient way to cover all professional learning bases – those they’ve selected and those required by the district.

Alludo provides instant access to fresh content from schools nationwide with thousands of activities spanning hundreds of core topics that you can easily select from. Tailor as needed so you can help your staff go deep in proper, better, more creative uses of curriculum and more.


Give feedback & recognition that motivates learners & speeds impact.

Let learners know you care about all of the effort they are putting in by providing encouragement and fast feedback with ease. This keeps learners feeling supported and motivates them to go deeper in their understanding.

Alludo has a real-time achievement board that gives learners recognition and a sense of achievement. Gamification makes it fun and creates team spirit, so engagement goes viral! Alludo also provides digital/open badges that equip learners with credentials they can take with them!


Provide learners a safe place to practice, experiment, & innovate.

Provide your teachers and staff with a safe place to practice, so they can test out and identify strategies that will foster long-term success in the classroom. Having the opportunity to innovate is another key to teacher retention.

Alludo gives teacher learners (and staff learners!) a place where they can practice and try things out in a protected environment that won’t disrupt classroom teaching if they fail. This safety net fosters a desire to experiment and innovate, so learners can bring what works into the classroom!

See why our VP of Customer Success, Julia, loves her job.


And then get her to show you a demo of Alludo!


Julia Francis

"At Alludo, we do all of that, and it's pretty cool."