“[Before Alludo], everybody came to a big PD [workshop] at the same time, and we didn’t have on-demand learning available for teachers across the district… It limited choices you could offer teachers.”
Sheryl Winter
Educational Technologist

“Between the two of us [technology trainers], we had to service 350 teachers. It was a lot of 1:1 time… and Alludo has really helped be everywhere the need is… [and] fill that gap so we can do even more.”
Amy Romes
Educational Technologist
With 6,200+ K-12 students and 350 certified faculty and teachers, Springboro schools achieved these results in three years with Alludo...
learners engaged
activities completed
hours of PD completed
missions completed
levels completed
Imagine professional learning that adapts to, delights, and ignites all levels of learners.
Learner-centered professional development for educators. Seems like a no brainer, right? We think so!
Alludo is flipping professional learning for school districts and school leaders on its head and delivering what schools, teachers, and students really need – learner-centered professional learning.
Choice and voice in their PD journey
Your educators want the freedom to choose learning that is relevant to them, learning they are passionate about, and teaching that will help them create a learner-centered classroom. Leadership is likely in tune with district initiatives but might be once removed from what teachers actually need for their teaching in the classroom.
Tailored professional learning opportunities
Traditional professional development methods of one size fits all are not only costly and wasteful for districts, but they don’t work at all for the learners. Teachers and students need learning that is not only relevant, but also has a depth of material that matches their skill level.
PD that maximizes classroom teaching and instruction time
Teachers want to pursue the learning they need and want, but not let it take away from their precious time in the classroom teaching students and providing learner-centered teaching. Instead teachers want learning that fuels their classroom instruction time with students and provides student-centered learning opportunities that maximize student engagement and student achievement!
All of the PD bases covered, efficiently
Professional development time is limited. Your teacher and student learners need you to help them cover all professional learning bases – social emotional learning, positive behavioral interventions and support (PBIS), safety and compliance, technology and applications, learner-centered pedagogy, curriculum.
Learner-centered PD helps districts! Here’s how...
Choice and voice leads to impact
Teacher choice and voice improves teachers’ ability to impact students (which is why teachers teach!)
Educators want to have an impact
Having an impact helps teachers and staff love their jobs.
Educators who love their job stay
Educators loving their job makes them more likely to stay with your district.
Educators with a voice who stay progress district initiatives at scale
Educators and faculty staying with your district while they grow and impact students progresses district initiatives!
The good news... Alludo can help you do all of this.
Connect learner choice with professional development to drive impact
Equip your learners to choose the learning pathways that are meaningful to them.
Alludo’s professional learning platform helps you give teachers choice and voice. With Alludo, teacher learners will choose activities and courses they are passionate about and courses that will impact their students’ progress. This is the combo that drives impact!

Serve up personalized learning pathways
Provide personalized learning that’s relevant to your learners, and have the flexibility to tailor professional learning opportunities for your teachers.
The traditional ways of professional development force you to take a small selection of learning courses and give them to a large group of people at different levels and with different needs. Alludo helps you easily tailor PD to meet learners where they are and serve it up in multiple modalities... text, video, links to documentation.

Provide learners a safe place to practice, experiment, & innovate
Provide a safe place to practice, so you can identify strategies that can give you long-term success in the classroom.
Alludo gives learners a place where they can practice and try things out in a protected environment that won’t disrupt classroom teaching if they fail. This safety net fosters a desire to experiment and innovate so learners can bring what works into the classroom!

Give learners access to all training in one place
Give your educators instant access to all training in one place, so they can easily learn what your district is doing, how they impact that, and how they are using content and curriculum.
Alludo provides instant access to fresh content from schools nationwide with thousands of activities spanning hundreds of core topics that you can easily select from. Tailor as needed so you can help your staff go deep in proper, better, more creative uses of curriculum and more.

Give feedback & recognition that motivates learners & speeds impact
Let learners know you care about all of the effort they are putting in by providing encouragement and fast feedback with ease.
This keeps learners feeling supported and motivates them to go deeper in their understanding. Alludo has a real-time achievement board that gives learners recognition, a sense of achievement, and fosters a desire to continue professional learning. Alludo also provides digital/open badges that equip learners with credentials they can take with them!

Use holistic course design to progress district initiatives
Give learners a choice in their PD, and they will become engaged. Alludo’s easy feedback loop validates their efforts and keeps learners engaged.
Gamification makes it fun for teachers, students, and staff, and creates team spirit, so engagement goes viral! The combo of choice, feedback, and team spirit opens learners’ desire to contribute to district initiatives and gets everyone – teachers and students – progressing top district initiatives.

See why our VP of Customer Success, Julia, loves her job.
And then get her to show you a demo of Alludo!
Thoughts on educators...
"Educators are unique; they’re not here for the paycheck. They have a huge heart for the difference they are trying to make in students’ lives."
On being a mom and giving kids purpose…
"I'm a mom. I live and breathe being involved in multiple communities. When a kid feels confident and happy, she or he becomes a very different contributor in those communities – and to our world. It’s not just about student achievement or student performance. A student doesn’t have to have the best grades to have an impact. If you can give students knowledge and skills, you can help them find their purpose. When students have purpose, you can see the impact of good they make."
On teacher choice and voice...
"This starts with the teachers. If you give teachers a choice and a voice, and the opportunity to personalize an effective professional development pathway that speaks to their individual needs, you can light them up. And when they are lit up, they are able to teach in a very different way, and your kid comes home all lit up and excited."