Webinar Library


Building Capacity and Culture

Join​ us as we ​explore approaches to empower our teachers, strengthen their skills and broaden their knowledge to equip them with the tools to instruct in an ever changing environment. With a positive culture, ability to adapt, and a personalized path, all teachers and students can thrive.

John Middleton, Assistant Principal at Architecture, Construction & Engineering Charter School and Kurt Madden, CEO at the Collaborative Charter Schools will be guests as we ​discuss the value of building capacity and culture in our schools.

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Teaching Copyright & Fair Use: C&C Now on Alludo

On January 25th, we hosted the Teaching Copyright & Fair Use webinar with panelists from Copyright and Creativity

Copyright is becoming an essential element of digital literacy – because everyone is a publisher now. Learn more about the importance of educating students and educators about copyright and how Copyright & Creativity's new offering on Alludo can be fun and personalized for each learner.

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Students in Action: Alludo innovations

Watch as educators from east cost and west coast come together to share how they are creating innovative ways to respond to student needs, real-time. Districts are looking for ways to engage students through collaborative innovation, giving choice and voice to students. Learn how panelists are implementing programs that instill personalized learning and creativity. 

From Election Day curriculum to being Smarter Online, there's something for every educator to takeaway.

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Invest in Your Staff - The Future of Teaching

Enjoy Invest in Your Staff - The Future of Teaching now and learn more about strategies for:

  • Asynchronous vs. Synchronous teaching

  • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support 

  • Prioritizing your investment for your staff

 Watch Now!

Webinar Archive

Webinar: Don’t Ditch That Tech - Personalizing Content and Promoting Metacognition

Webinar: Don’t Ditch That Tech - Personalizing Content and Promoting Metacognition

All teachers want to meet their students' needs, but some tasks can seem pretty daunting for beginners and experts alike.

Webinar: Power Up Your Classroom in Just 5 Minutes

Webinar: Power Up Your Classroom in Just 5 Minutes

What would happen to your classroom community if you gave your students 5 minutes every day to just PLAY?

Webinar: The Missing Key to Improving Elementary SBAC Scores

Webinar: The Missing Key to Improving Elementary SBAC Scores

As reported in the Los Angeles Times, many schools have been struggling with the math assessment coming out of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) design.

Webinar: Culture Shifting with Computer Science - A Pragmatic Approach

Webinar: Culture Shifting with Computer Science - A Pragmatic Approach

Are you looking for ways to integrate computer science into your curriculum? This webinar shows you how.

Webinar: Using Technology to Enhance Relationships

Webinar: Using Technology to Enhance Relationships

Digital citizenship and social-emotional learning foundations can be established with lessons, but unless we intentionally model with best practices, the culture is not sustained.

Webinar: Maine DOE DigCit Webinar

Webinar: Maine DOE DigCit Webinar

From January 2019 through April of 2019, educators across the state of Maine participated in a blended learning experience designed to support schools as they integrate Digital Citizenship concepts into various student learning opportunities.